2. Plot: The plot was set up pretty well at the beginning. There was a good amount of surprise and they were building up the plot twists. Unfortunately, they cut the movie very short. The climax was a bit anti-climatic because just when you thought the action and plot were about to really get incredible, the movie ended and went to the credits.
3. Action/Gore: The movie didn't let fans down on the amount of action but they kept the gore at a tolerable level. I must say Selene is the most bad ass character ever (excuse my language but there is just no better way to describe her). I remember seeing all The Matrix movies and thinking how awesome Trinity was...Selene beats Trinity by about a million times over.
4. Special Effects: The movie was in 3d but the 3d effects were just average. Not great, not horrible, just average.
5. Overall: While the beginning of the movie was promising, I would wait to rent it...don't pay $11 per ticket to see it in the theaters (costs more because of 3d).