My Mom's Tablerunner:
I finally completed the tablerunner for my mom's christmas present and just in time to mail it with her mother's day present. yay. It came out pretty good, but I don't have a pic, sorry!
Unfortunately I've been a bad friend and haven't been working on this much - I seem to have a hard time with projects that have no deadline. But I hereby vow to have both of her quilts done by 8/31 which is the next time I will see her. Hopefully some progress pics soon (after our trip).
Brandy's Clothing Quilt
My friend Brandy has been making a clothing quilt for herself out of her old shirts, dresses and other clothes. I have been supervising and occasionally helping with this quilt. She is going to leave to go to grad school soon and I have been trying to help her get it done before she leaves. I hope we are able to finish it before she goes - friends don't let friends leave projects unfinished.
Shoebox Swap
Since many people were having trouble completing their shoeboxes that were due to be mailed in April, and thought they couldn't participate in May. I decided to pause the shoebox swap for a month. Hopefully this will give everyone time to finish up their crafts, regroup and maybe restart on the 1st of june or the 1st of july.