Home Projects
I didn’t really make any progress on the guest bedroom or bathroom over 2nd quarter but I did make quite a bit of progress in the quilt room. I made a tool organizer out of a crib rail, got some new bookshelves and put a cool painting over it, put up a new fan and light fixture in the landing, built a design wall, and totally re-did my fabric organization.
Quilted Affair
My goal for third quarter was to complete two quilts each month, work on outstanding projects from 2012 and start selling embroidered onesies. I didn’t get any quilts done in April (mostly because I was doing so much work on quilt room projects) but I did make a bed quilt for my niece Emma’s 2nd birthday, a lifejacket bag for Ryan, and a bed quilt for my niece Addi’s 2nd birthday (pics to come soon).
Fun Monthly Goals
Each month this year, I wanted to paint my nails at least once, complete one crafting or home decorating project, blog 15 times and enter one race. I’ve been doing pretty terribly with these goals. Partly because of bootcamp, I didn’t enter any races or paint my nails at all (they got destroyed at workouts). I did do quite a few home decorating projects (see Home Projects, above) and I made a cute spring wreath for the May shoebox swap. I only blogged 8 times in April and 8 times in May but I finally made my goal for June…15 posts! Yay! I feel accomplished that I did something worth blogging about almost every other day, yay me!
Healthy Living
Weight & Body Fat Percentage
January 1st: 147lb, 32.0% body fat
April 1st: 145lb, 27.8% body fat (goal was 140lb or 28% body fat)
July 1st: 138lb, 23.9% body fat (goal was 135lb or 25% body fat)
January 1st: 24" thighs, 31” waist, 35” spare tire
April 1st: No measurements taken
July 1st: 23" thighs, 29.5" waist, 32.5" spare tire
Second Quarter Goals & Results
I was looking back through all my posts and I couldn’t find my second quarter guidelines other than that I wanted to get my weight down to 135lb and a 5k in under 24:00. I didn’t have a specific eating or workout plan because I ended up doing two more bootcamps. I did one bootcamp from 4/22 through 5/16, took two weeks off and then did another one from 6/3 through 6/27. I was originally thinking I would be doing lots of two-a-day workouts and strict dieting but I decided it was more important that I just try to make a permanent lifestyle change and that I focus on finding workouts and things I enjoy. Whatever I was doing obviously worked pretty well, I was thrilled to see that I got down to under 24% body fat, yay!! I probably would have made the 135 weight goal if you didn’t count the couple of pounds of muscle that I gained in bootcamp. Although, frankly I’d rather have the extra muscle. The only other thing I did do for our diet was to do a “diet freezer cooking” where I mixed beachbody meals and regular freezer cooking meals. We have been doing a lot better eating in and controlling our portions this way. On the “regular” freezer meals, I tried to purposely make less so that if we ate the whole pan it wasn’t WAY more than we should eat for dinner.
3rd Quarter Goals
- Home projects: recessed thread rack in quilt room, paint & headboard for guest room
- Quilted Affair: finish 3 customer quilts, 3 projects for either myself or gifts and prepare holiday onesies listings for Halloween through Christmas
- Fun Goals: Paint nails at least once a month, complete one crafting project, enter at least 2 races and post in my blog 15 times per month.
- Healthy Living: Get down to 130lb or 22% body fat, 5k under 23 minutes